• Supplier portalSupplier portal
Supplier portal

Supplier portal

Welcome to the supplier portal of D-TACK Corporate Purchasing

D-TACK is a specialist in the product development and trade, we are offering everything that roofers, house painters, plasterers, interior designers, andflooring installers need for their daily work. We offer this without intermediate trade for direct sales prices to mainly German professional users as well as several long-lasting international retail customers. Our suppliers play an essential role in achieving our top position in the market. Therefore, we focus on the best and most capable suppliers. Quality, reliability and cost-efficiency are key factors in the selection of our suppliers.

Only by jointly optimizing the entire value chain will we continue to achieve tangible competitive advantages in the future. The goal is the joint creation of an ideal supply chain. We work with many national and international suppliers and aim at further developing our portfolio of suppliers worldwide. In doing so, we are generally interested in cooperating with new business partners.

D-TACK in Numbers

total supplier worldwide
total supplier worldwide
total items
total items
square meters storage spacebers
square meters storage space

You would like to become a new supplier?

Simply contact us using the form below. By doing so, you give us the chance to notice you. This will help you to find the right contact person in our purchasing department and saves you further queries.

How is it done?

Please fill out the form below and provide us with all necessary information to evaluate your request. Please download the REACH Regulation and the NDA documents you will find at the bottom of the page and upload the signed copies in the form below.

What is happening next?

Your inquiry will automatically be forwarded to the designated contact person and product specialist, who (if interested) will contact you. We therefore kindly ask you to refrain from telephone inquiries.

Thank you for your co-operation!

Contact form

* Fields with asterisk are required

1. General Information

General Information General Information

2. Contact details

Contact details Contact details

3. Adress data

Adress data Adress data

4. Product categories

Product categories Product categories

5. Please provide a description of the products/service you offer

Please provide a description of the products/service you offer Please provide a description of the products/service you offer

6. What certificates do you offer?

(Please mark with a cross where applicable) What certificates do you offer? What certificates do you offer?

7. Document uploads

(Please upload your business license, signed REACH agreement, signed NDA) Document uploads Document uploads
The documents can be uploaded as PDF or JPG only.

8. Product document upload

(Please upload available product data sheets or product catalogs) Product document upload Product document upload
The documents can be uploaded as PDF or JPG only.
Alternatively, you can provide us with links to the above documents.

Important, please read!

Data protection consent and general termini and conditions.

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Kostenloser Versand Versandkostenfrei ab 129 €
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